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Loading Supplier Rates

Buyer self-loading supplier rates

Michael Herrmann avatar
Written by Michael Herrmann
Updated over a week ago

Buyers have the option to load their supplier rates so that they're in TourConnect's rate format, which can then be automated directly into your booking system.

To start loading your supplier rates (in what we call a Rate Sheet), you will need to have created a workspace for this supplier. If you need to create one, you can follow the steps here.

Load supplier rates:

1. Open the workspace and under the RATE SHEETS section, click on CREATE RATE SHEET

2. Complete all the required information in the pop-up, and click on START. Once your Rate Sheet has been created, click on OPEN to start loading your rates.

3. You can import rates or start from scratch. NOTE: If you import rates from the TourConnect database, it is possible confidential pieces of data will be removed for security purposes (like specific pricing); however, you can import non-confidential information, like seasons and policies.

4. Complete all the required information on the page and any optional fields. Required fields will have a red ! next to them.

6. Add any additional products (if necessary)

7. Complete Policies & Notes

8. Request signatures from your suppliers or Accept the rates as they are

You can also watch a video on how to load your supplier rates here. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on

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