You can use TourConnect to manage all of your supplier rates, regardless of the format that they're sent in.ย
There are a few ways in which you can receive supplier rates via TourConnect, and this article will discuss how you can forward supplier rates that have been sent directly to you or a colleague via email.
There are two ways to forward an email to your TourConnect account:
Unique Contract Forwarding - where you forward the email to an outstanding contract request
General Forwarding - where you forward the email to your Messaging Center, and then associate it to a supplier/contract
Unique Contract/Forwarding the email to an outstanding contract
This method is recommended if you have previously sent your supplier a contract request.
1. Click on the Contract List and search for the supplier
2. Click on the More Actions button beside the contract
3. Click "Get forwarding email address for this contract." The unique email address will be copied to your clipboard.
4. In your email client, click to forward the supplier's email and paste the unique forwarding email into the To section
5. From here, the contract will be marked as received, and the email thread and any attachments will be added to the contract as files.
General/Forwarding the email to your Messaging Center, where you'll need to associate it to a supplier/contract
This method is recommended if you have not sent your supplier a contract request, and therefore it doesn't exist in your Contract List.
1. Forward the email with your supplier rates to your Messaging Center by using your Forwarding Email Address
2. Click on your Notifications menu to access your forwarded email, which will direct you to the Messaging Center. Alternatively, click on Partners from the main menu, the Messaging Center.
All of your forwarded emails will appear in Unassigned as they have yet to be associated to a partner, and the newest messages will be sorted to the top by the last activity or message date, and any messages that haven't been viewed are listed in bold.ย
3. Click on Unassigned from the Partners list, then click on any message from the 2nd column
4. Select which attachments from the forwarded email that you'd like to add to the contract, then click "Add to Contract"
We don't automatically add your attachments to the contract as some attachments that may be included aren't actually rates, so instead we ask that you decide which attachments that you consider contracts.
5a. We will detect if your forwarded email contains any email addresses that match any of your outstanding Contract Requests, which you will be able to either select one of these options if they match the supplier
5b. In the event that we did not find any matches, or the matches were not suitable, you can "Search Existing Requests" if you have previously sent a Contract Request to this supplier
5c. If you haven't previously sent the supplier a Contract Request, or if you've searched for the supplier and couldn't find a match, you can click on "Add File To A New Contract"
You'll need to enter the Contracting Period, select from an existing Partner to enter new Partner details (Company Name and Email Address) and click "Create New Contract".
All of the email addresses contained in the forwarded email will be listed if you choose to add a new Partner. If you want to use one of these, you can click on "Use this address" so that you don't need to type it in the Email field.
6. The attachment will be added to a Contract Request that's marked as "Received" and you'll receive a confirmation that your file was successfully added
7. If you'd like to use the Messaging Center as a shared inbox, or task list, you can remove this Unassigned email from the list by clicking X on the confirmation page, by clicking on Done when hovering over the message
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact us on