You can use TourConnect to manage all of your supplier rates, regardless of the format that they're sent in.Β
There are a few ways in which you can receive supplier rates via TourConnect, and this article will discuss the first option, where the supplier sends you a TourConnect contract.
1. Click on into the Rates & Contracts section at the top of any page.
2. Any contracts that are sent to you will appear within a supplier's workspace, visible in the workspace list, or directly in the contract list. Below we will look at the contract list.
3. To view the online version of the contract, click on the name, or to view the PDF or Excel, click on the download button
4. View the product or room rates by clicking on the name from the left hand side
5. View the contract policies by clicking on "Policies & Notes"
6. View the contract Activities to view the history of the contract, conversations, or any notes regarding updates
7. You can click on the version number to view other versions of contracts (if this is a contract update)
8. You can also add any Internal Notes to this contract which will only be shared with the other users on your account or you can also download a copy of the PDF.
9. Lastly, you can change the status of this contract to Accepted, Loading, or Loaded from the top bar or from the status drop down
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