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Booking Automation AI: How to Integrate with your Booking System
Booking Automation AI: How to Integrate with your Booking System

Step by step instructions on how to integrate TourConnect's Booking Automation AI with your Booking System

Michael Herrmann avatar
Written by Michael Herrmann
Updated this week

Booking System Integrations Supported

  • FareHarbor

  • Ventrata

  • Peek

  • Xola

  • Zaui

  • RMS

See below for instructions on setting up the integration with the above booking systems.

3. Click on the TourConnect Icon

Integrating with FareHarbor

Please follow these quick steps to connect Booking Automation AI with your FareHarbor account.

  1. Login to FareHarbor and complete their New Affiliate Request form. This form will take 5 minutes to complete. In most cases, you will want to allow the Booking Automation AI access to all affiliates.

  2. Send an email to to confirm that your request has been submitted to FareHarbor.

  3. The integration is typically live within 12 business hours, but can take up to 48 business hours. You can now automate bookings directly from email using AI!

If you did not initially request FareHarbor to allow the AI access to all affiliates, but want to extend access to those affiliates at some future point, then you will need to repeat the above steps.

3. Click on the TourConnect Icon

Integrating with Ventrata

Setting up the integration between the Booking Automation Tool and Ventrata is quick and simple. Please download your Reseller ID's from Ventrata. You can export these from Ventrata from Resellers > Resellers by adding the column ID to the export. That will give you a nice excel spreadsheet with the reseller name and the resellerId. * Please add the email column, as well.

Once you’ve downloaded the Reseller ID’s report, please email the report to our team at

Once you’ve sent the email above, we will work with the Ventrata team to get everything configured for you. We will let you know once everything is ready to go, and you can start creating bookings from the Booking Automation Tool.

3. Click on the TourConnect Icon

Integrating with Peek

Setting up the integration between the Booking Automation Tool and Peek is quick and simple.

  • To create resellers and get the API keys in Peek: Peek Reseller Documentation

  • To add a reseller in TourConnect:

    • Log into the Add-In

    • Click on the Settings icon (the sprocket) at the top of the Add-In

    • Under the Integration settings, click the plus (+) to add a reseller with the following info:

      • Reseller name

      • API key

      • Email address

        • (hint: use an email that sends you booking emails and the tool will automatically detect the right reseller when you open an email from this reseller!)

After you’ve added the first reseller, you can start creating bookings from the Booking Automation Tool into Peek! Add as many resellers as you would like.

3. Click on the TourConnect Icon

Integrating with Xola

Setting up the integration between the Booking Automation Tool and Xola is quick and simple.

  • To create affiliates and get their ID’s in Xola: Xola Affiliate Documentation

  • To add an affiliate in TourConnect:

    • Log into the Add-In

    • Click on the Settings icon (the sprocket) at the top of the Add-In

    • Under the Integration settings, click the plus (+) to add an affiliate with the following info:

      • Affiliate name

      • Affiliate ID

      • Email address

        • (hint: use an email that sends you booking emails and the tool will automatically detect the affiliate when you open an email from this affiliate!)

After you’ve added the first affiliate, you can start creating bookings from the Booking Automation Tool into Xola! Add as many resellers as you would like.

3. Click on the TourConnect Icon

Integrating with Zaui

Setting up the integration between the Booking Automation Tool and Zaui is quick and simple.

  1. Activate the TourConnect Booking Automation Tool App in the Zaui App Marketplace.

  2. After Zaui activates the connection and provides you your Supplier ID:

    • Enable all activities you want to book via the tool (these are the same you have enabled for all of the resellers you will use the tool to process bookings for).

    • Grab the Reseller ID’s for the Reseller’s you want to use the tool to process bookings for.

      • To get your Zaui Reseller ID, in Zaui, go to Resellers -> Companies -> Company List

      • Select a Reseller to view their details, and the ID is the “Company/Vendor ID”

  3. Add your Supplier ID and Resellers in TourConnect. Here’s how:

    • Log into the Add-In

    • Click on the Settings icon (the sprocket) at the top of the Add-In

    • Under the Integration settings, click the plus (+) to:

      • Add your Zaui Supplier ID

      • Add a Reseller with the following info:

        • Reseller name

        • Reseller ID

        • Email address

          • (hint: use an email that sends you booking emails and the tool will automatically detect the affiliate when you open an email from this affiliate!)

After you’ve added the first affiliate, you can start creating bookings from the Booking Automation Tool into Zaui! Add as many resellers as you would like.

3. Click on the TourConnect Icon

Integrating with RMS

TourConnect will lead the process to get RMS and TourConnect integrated for each partner / agent that you want to use with the tool.

  1. Identify the initial list of partner / agent you would like to automate with AI. Please order this list based on highest room night volume first.

  2. Provide TourConnect with the list and the RMS ID number for each partner.

  3. TourConnect will work with RMS to activate your integration. Expect a processing time of 3-5 working days.

  4. TourConnect will notify you that your RMS account is now integrated.

  5. From your Inbox, you will see the integration status showing as live in the TourConnect sidebar. AI will automatically detect emails from the relevant partners / agents and ensure that bookings are associated with them inside RMS.

After you’ve added the first partner / agent, you can start creating bookings from the Booking Automation AI into RMS!

3. Click on the TourConnect Icon

Integrating with Other Booking Systems

TourConnect’s Booking Automation Tool is currently only integrated with the booking systems listed above. We will be adding new integrations soon. Please register your interest in the Booking Automation Tool here, and we will notify you as we plan and roll out integrations with other booking systems.

Please note, TourConnect offers a paid service to integrate the Booking Automation Tool with other booking systems. Please email to inquire about integrating the Booking Automation tool with your booking system.

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