Your messaging workspace is an easy way to manage communications with your partners. You can quickly send messages to a partner or a group of partners and we'll track the message to ensure it was delivered and viewed. Your communication history is then stored as an audit trail, should it be needed in the future.
To send a message:
1. Click on Partners, then Messaging Messaging Workspace from the main menu
2. Click on + to send a new message
3. Click on ADD PARTNERS and select where you'd like to add your partners from (connections, email, file upload, or by adding them one by one). You will be able to add one or multiple* partners to send a message to in this step and once you've added your partners, click NEXT.
4. Enter a subject, message body, optional attachments, then click SEND MESSAGE
5. To send the message, click CONFIRM
You'll receive a confirmation that your message is sent, which looks like the following, and depending on how many partners your message was sent to, it'll either be displayed by the partner name, or in the Bulk Message Center.
* The Basic (free) Plan allows you to send a single message to up to 20 partners at once, and the Connected Plan allows you to send a message to up to 200 partners at once.