A tag is a keyword or term assigned to a Partner and are used as a means to organise the companies that you work with. They are a little like labels in Gmail. You can use tags to quickly find a group of Partners, or to run a report for a certain group of Partners.
We suggest to tag your Partners with important identifying information. This can be anything you want, from
Supplier Example: Suppliers may want to tag Partners based on the commission level (like "25%") they get, so you can quickly find all 25% commission partners when sending out your rates.
Buyer Example: Buyers may want to tag Partners based on the geographic region they are in, like "Northern Ireland".
βTo assign a tag to your Partner from the Partner List:
1. Click on the Partners menu, then Partner List
2. Click on the More Actions button beside the Partner that you'd like to tag, then click Manage Tags. Note: You can also select multiple companies if you'd like to add the tags to multiple partners.
3. Type anything you want in the text area, click to create the tag (if it's a newly created tag) and Save.
βTo assign a tag to your Partner from the Partner Details:
1. Click on your partner's name to open their Partner Details page
2. Click to edit your tags
3. Type anything you want in the text area, click to create the tag (if it's a newly created tag) and Save.