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Tourplan Integration Fact Sheet
Michael Herrmann avatar
Written by Michael Herrmann
Updated over 6 years ago

Tourplan Integration Notes

1. Requirements: In order to use the Integration, you will need to be on one of the Automated Enterprise plans with TourConnect and one of the following plans for with Tourplan:

  • iS: Distribution, Connectivity or Enterprise Editions

  • NX: Professional or Enterprise Edition

2. Initial Setup: The initial setup can take up to one week, depending on the amount of time it takes to obtain your Tourplan URL and credentials in order to link our systems together.

3. Demonstration & Testing: Will will provide you with an initial demonstration of our platform, along with the Tourplan integration. From that point, after the initial setup, we can provide you with sample contracts which you can use to perform any additional testing on your end.

4. Going Live: Going live to export rates from TourConnect directly into Tourplan is easy and doesn’t require any additional setup. You can start by requesting rates from your suppliers in the Rates & Contracts section. As you start to receive rates, you will need to review and accept them. Once you’ve accepted any contracts, they are ready for you to Map and Export.

5. Things to Expect: 

  • Product mapping: Each of your products will need to be mapped to your corresponding Tourplan option with your option ID. You will only need to map products once, as we save this for you for the future

  • What can be exported: You will be able to export rates (which include days of the week, minimum and maximum night stays, currency, tax, stay/ pay rules), extras, and blackout dates. This should cover anywhere from 85-95% of the rates that you’ll receive.

  • Configuration variations: You will undoubtedly come across cases where your suppliers have loaded their rates in TourConnect with a different configuration than you’ve set up in Tourplan. For instance if your supplier has loaded a multi-day tour as one product option, and has included the rates for the varying accommodation types under this option, you will not be able to export these rates if this is different from how you’ve setup this product option in Tourplan. We would be happy to work with your suppliers in order to provide them with the “best practices” for loading their rates, and as you use the system, you should see the reduction of these configuration variations.

  • Export errors:You will encounter some export errors on occasion. We’ve worked closely with our Australian buyers to minimize the errors that occur, however if you do encounter an error, please let us know at We strive to fix any bugs or export errors in a timely manner.

6. Additional Information: You can also find additional information regarding our Tourplan Integration here:, or by viewing our Tourplan Integration Guide

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