Suggested Activities
Log into your TourConnect account in the Add-In.
Click on the hand (Closeouts Tool)
Test email matching
Ensure a supplier (and their email) is in your supplier data and the email address matches the sender’s address for the email you are going to open.
Open the email and ensure the supplier (or your top level entity) matches.
Send a manual closeout
Simply use the data entry area to pick any supplier and room and send a closeout to your booking system.
Test an email body closeout extraction
Open an email from a supplier that has informed you of a closeout entirely in the email body (not in any attachment).
Open an email with just one closeout.
Check that the closeout appears in the queue.
Edit or delete closeouts in the queue, as needed.
Export the closeout from the queue.
Open an email with multiple closeouts listed.
Check that the closeouts appear in the queue.
Edit or delete closeouts in the queue, as needed.
Export the closeout from the queue.
Test a spreadsheet closeout extraction
Open an email from a supplier that has informed you of a closeout entirely in an attached spreadsheet.
Use a spreadsheet with just one internal sheet.
Check that the closeout appears in the queue.
Edit or delete closeouts in the queue, as needed.
Export the closeout from the queue.
Use a spreadsheet with multiple internal sheets.
Check that the closeouts appear in the queue.
Edit or delete closeouts in the queue, as needed.
Export the closeout from the queue.
Test a PDF closeout extraction
Open an email from a supplier that has informed you of a closeout entirely in an attached PDF document.
Use a PDF with just one page.
Check that the closeout appears in the queue.
Edit or delete closeouts in the queue, as needed.
Export the closeout from the queue.
Use a PDF with multiple pages.
Check that the closeouts appear in the queue.
Edit or delete closeouts in the queue, as needed.
Export the closeout from the queue.