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Closeouts AI - User Guide
Michael Herrmann avatar
Written by Michael Herrmann
Updated over 2 months ago

To access the Closeouts/Stopsell Tool, simply log in via the email Add-In and click on the hand icon:

Key Functions


  • This area allows you to initiate a data extraction from the contents of the email, including the email body and attachments.


  • This area allows you to either edit allotment changes that were found during the data extraction or just enter allotment changes from scratch.


  • This area allows you to put all the closeouts you want to process into a Queue prior to exporting them into your booking system, so you can do a final review and export them all at once.

  • NOTE: This section only appears after you have added a closeout to the Queue.


  • This area allows you to view the existing allotments, as well as make changes in a table format.

Change Log

  • This is the history of any adjustments you make to allotments via the add-in for this specific email.

Data Extraction

Data Extraction will try to find any closeouts in the body of an email or an attachment, and present the data to you, so that you can action the closeouts.

  1. Initiate a data extraction by clicking on the lightbulb icon.

  1. Choose where you want data to be extracted from…typically the body of the email or an attachment.

  1. The extraction will attempt to organize the results, for example by tabs in a spreadsheet. Click on the arrows to expand the sections to review the closeout data extracted.

  1. Use the filters to hide data that you do not want to work with

  1. Use the action buttons to take action on the closeouts.

  1. Edit - This pulls the closeout data into the edit section, so you can make minor edits before exporting the closeout.

  2. Remove - This removes this closeout data from the data extraction area, if you don’t want to work with this data.

  3. Add to Queue - This adds the closeout to the queue, so it can be reviewed and sent into your booking system with other closeouts.

  4. Send to Booking System - This allows you to skip using the queue and simply send the closeout directly to your booking system.


If the data extraction was not perfect, you can make minor edits using the Edit section of the add-in. You can also simply use this area without even doing a data extraction, if you just want to quickly create a closeout and send it to your booking system.

  1. Edit the closeout to ensure it exports how you would like it to appear in your booking system.

    1. Clear - Clear the contents of the editor.

    2. Add to Queue - This adds the closeout to the queue, so it can be reviewed and sent into your booking system with other closeouts.

    3. Export - This allows you to skip using the queue and simply send the closeout directly to your booking system.


Simply review the closeouts that you’ve added to the queue and export them into your booking system.

  1. All of the actions you have had in the Extract and Edit sections are available for you here.

View (only if antegration has been setup)

This section allows you to query your booking system to see what allotments already exist. You can simply view the allotments, or you can click into the table and make edits to the allotment right there. Then simply export the changes to your booking system.

Change Log

The change log is simply a history of the closeouts that were exported from this specific email.

  1. Review the change log to ensure that each closeout was successfully exported into your booking system.

    1. Success - The closeout was successfully exported into your booking system.

Fail - Click on the red X to see why the export failed. If you have questions, please contact

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