Click on the Settings tab in the Add-In, then click on the “+” to add a new integration.
Select an Agent or enter a new agent’s name in the “Partner (Reseller/Affiliate)” box and then click on Create New.
Enter the following:
HostConnect Endpoint (the url)
HostConnect Agent ID
HostConnect Agent Password
NOTE: Please leave all other fields blank
Click Save. A black notification box should appear and tell you if the connection is valid. If it is not, recheck the credentials and try again, and if it still isn’t working let TourConnect know.
NOTE: If you see a message that says "The token is not valid", and you believe HostConnect Endpoint and credentials are correct, please confirm with your Tourplan administrator and Tourplan to ensure there are no issues on the Tourplan side. If you still cannot get a valid token, please reach out to TourConnect's support team for assistance (